Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 8 - St. Bart's, Sushi and St. Francis

Mr. Savidge returns as blogger today.

Oh my goodness. 4:30am is a difficult time to wake up, especially a week into a mission trip. I was reminded today that I am only a morning person if you count just the half hour before noon. Breakfast at 5 and then ten weary, sleepy people piled into the van for the short drive to St. Bartholomew's Church. Each Thursday at 6am St. Bart's opens it doors to the poor and homeless in their neighborhood and provides a hot meal, a place to sit and talk and a friendly face. We helped set up the hall, prepared the meal and served it to whoever walked through the doors. Even though we were so tired, the team did a great job, jumping into every assigned task with enthusiasm and a servant's heart. Josh cooked dozens of eggs, Morgan made a huge pile of pancakes, Carlie, Bekah and Ashlee helped serve the meal and Aaron and Jake washed the pile of pots and pans. After the clean-up, Father Robert and Bob, the church's trustee chairman, gave us a guided tour of this old Anglican Church. Father Robert showed us some of the church's ornate communion chalices and priests vestments and explained their history and symbolism.

We returned to our headquarters for a few hours of blessed nap-time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For lunch we experienced some Japanese culture, one of the larger immigrant groups in Toronto, with a meal of sushi and chicken. I am not good with the chopsticks and embarrassed my wife by resorting to eating the rice "Somali style." (if you don't know what that means, read our earlier posts).

We again ministered at St. Francis Table for dinner. We were joined by a group of high school students from Father Bressani Catholic High School int he Toronto suburbs. It was great to be able to minister with others and showed them the ropes. We also presented Brother John with a copy of a book by Raniero Cantalamessa, a fellow Capuchin monk that I had brought with me to read but hadn't got to yet. He was so appreciative especially when he saw that everyone on the team had signed it as a thank you for welcoming us into his ministry and being such and encouragement to us.

We want to thank you for your prayers. The team shook off a very hard day on Wednesday that had threatened to pull down our excitement and heart for service. Instead the team relied on the power of God and dedicated every remaining moment to serving Him with all our heart. I am so proud to be able to serve with these amazing kids. I want to thank each and every parent for your support and prayers. You should be so proud of these young men and women!!


  1. What a beautiful account of a day of service in the name of Jesus!
    It is good to see that the Lord has encouraged you and given you the Spiritual, physical, and emotional strength to press on.
    As an educator, I am so glad to see that you are also getting some culinary and cultural education.
    Ed and peg Savidge

  2. Hi Carlie,

    Reading the blog today really lifted my spirits. It reminded me that when our strength is gone, for whatever reason, God's strength pulls us through. It's in the tougher days that our faith is deepened and our character is built. God bless you and the whole team for "running the good race".

    God bless,
    Mrs. Pagano

  3. We are so proud of all of you and glad that you are serving others in Jesus name. We are praying for you all! What happened Wednesday that you had to "shake it off"? Thanks for sticking it out...perserverance evenitially leads to fruits of righteousness and strengths the heart and soul. We are praying for you to be strengthen, blessed and encouraged.
    James 1:2-4
    Love In Christ,
    The South Africa Team
    Naz, Mrs. T, Allie, Julia, Gia, Carrie, AdeZsa, Sara, Darren, Julien, Cheney, Trevor and Justin
