Friday, April 10, 2009

Lunch at the 360

We are enjoying our free time. We are eating at the top of the CN Tower in the revolving restaurant after a morning of sleeping in and a little shopping. We are having a great time and are ready to get to work tomorrow. Please continue to pray. Tomorrow begins a week of intense work in the various ministries.


  1. Hi Carlie. We miss you. Josh moved into your room -- he likes it and is moving your stuff into the basement (just kidding.)

    So far, it looks like all you have done is go to great restaurants. We are wishing we came along -- this looks like a vacation. :-))

    Tomorrow, the real work begins. We are praying for you and the team -- so is our mini-church.

    Have fun and be safe. Godspeed.

    Much love, Mom and Dad.

  2. Hi there gang - just a little prayer for you

    Thank you for the experiences that the team has had so far. Use them in a powerful way to minister and encourage others as they serve in Your strength and for Your glory! In Jesus name.
    Love and prayers from the Hric family

  3. Hi Carlie,

    I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers as you serve our Lord in Toronto. Every day will be an adventure and an opportunity to do God's will. I'm so excited for you! May God fill you with His holy spirit and enable you to do His will - I ask this in Jesus name.

    God bless,
    Mrs. Pagano
